Welcome to the Child Justice Alliance

Welcome to the Child Justice Act Electronic Resource Centre!

This site is dedicated to providing the public with accurate information on the Child Justice Act (75 of 2008).

What is the alliance?

The Child Justice Alliance is a network of NGOs, CBOs, academic institutions and individuals working to ensure that the Child Justice Bill is passed by the South African parliament. Apart from a common interest in the welfare and rights of children, these people and organisations share a common vision... [more]

If you are experiencing any challenges or successes in relation to the implementation of the Child Justice Act, please feel free to write to us, using the Child Justice Act Monitoring Implementation Tool. Instructions on using this tool and where it should be sent to can be found within the tool.

This publication is intended to provide the reader with a simple overview of the contents of the Child Justice Act 75 of 2008. It attempts to reduce the 'legalise' of the Act; remove constant cross-references to other sections; and bring themes together in a logical and user-friendly manner.


April 2015 : The Child Justice Alliance's latest publication on the implementation of the Child Justice Act: can be downloaded here.

Article 40 Dec 2014: View and download here.

Article 40 June 2014: View and download here.

Article 40 May 2013: View and download here.

June 2012 : The Child Justice Alliance's 2nd Year Implementation Report on the Child Justice Act can be downloaded here. This Report was drafted by Dr. Charmain Badenhorst.

June 2012 : Children's Rights Project's latest Article 40 of 2012 is available for download.

May 2012 : Children's Rights Project's Article 40 of 2012 is available for download. The lead article is entitled, "From Old Jeshwang to Kanifing: Improving children's access to justice in The Gambia - Challenges and Prospects" by Edmund Amarkwei Foley.

February 2012 : The North Gauteng High Court handed down judgment on the sentencing of youth in the judgment of S v CKM, FTM and IMM. Please click here to download this judgment.