Members of the Child Justice Alliance
What's involved in joining the alliance?
By joining the Child Justice alliance you (and/or your organisation are simply saying that you support the "common vision" of the alliance and that you are willing to work with others to ensure that this vision is realised.
What are the benefits?
So, by joining the alliance you will automatically be added to an email network that will allow you to communicate with other members. And you will receive regular newsletters and announcements to keep you up to date on all the latest events and news. Your name, or the name of your organisation will also be added to the list of alliance members that appears on the "List of Members and Friends". No submission to parliament, or other advocacy work, will be carried out in your name without your prior approval, unless it is specifically related to the common vision.
Who can join?
The alliance is open to everyone and does not legally bind you or your organisation to anything. If, however, you work in the government sector or cannot - for some reason or other - directly support the common vision or support the Child Justice Bill campaign, you may still be able to show your support by signing up as a " Friend of the Alliance".
Where can I sign up?
If you support the Common Vision of the Alliance and would like to participate in the campaign to pass the Child Justice Bill, please fill in your details here.
Current Members [Click here to join]
- A.D. Lowes Attorney (Anthony Lowes)
- Born Free Children's Shelter (Alton Opperman)
- Campus Law Clinic (Fehekazi Nkala, Brendon Christian)
- Catholic Parliamentary Office (Felicity Harrison)
- Chapter 2 - Idasa (Samantha Fleming)
- Child and Family Care Society (Sanna Mogalie)
- Child Care CCW (Michael Guonede)
- Child Health Policy Institute (Paula Proudlock)
- Child Welfare Organisation Wynberg (Annamarie Palmer)
- Childline (R. Fransman)
- Childline - Counseling Center (Gabby Cloete)
- Childline Family Centre (Linda Dhabicharan, Xoliswa Keke)
- Children First (Deborah Ewing)
- Children's Rights Centre (Sharon Shevil, Cati Vawda)
- Community Law Centre - Children's Rights Project (Jacqueline Gallinetti, Stefan Gilbert)
- CSIR - Crime Prevention Centre (Marthi du Plessis, Carmen Domingo-Swarts)
- Gun Free South Africa W.C. (Thembani Syclle)
- Holy Cross Convent (Pat Kelly)
- Human Rights Committee (Frankie Jenkins)
- Institute for Child and Family Development - UWC (Lubabalo Mbekeni)
- Institute of Criminology, UCT (Catherine Wood)
- Johannesburg Child Welfare Society (Anneline Keet)
- Lawyers for Human Rights (Sue Padayachee)
- Mamguang Society for Care of the Aged (Christine Mosala, Mpho Tshesebe)
- NACCW Northern Cape (Mviego Manyungwa)
- National Association of Child Care Workers (Merle Allsopp)
- National Children's Rights Committee (Moses Makoti, Elliot Mzimkhulu Xesi)
- National Youth Development Outreach (Renee Botha)
- National Youth Development Outreach (Freddy Arenche)
- NICRO (Caroline Matshoba)
- NICRO - Cape Town (Salie Kagee)
- NICRO - Eastern Cape (Lizo Cagwe)
- NICRO - Free State (M von Kraayenburg)
- NICRO - Kimberley (Andri Swanepool)
- NICRO - Kimberley (Heindrich R. Zana)
- NICRO - KZN (Lesleigh Timothy)
- NICRO - National Office (Lukas Muntingh)
- NICRO - Northern Cape (Bochelle Swartz)
- NICRO - Northern Province (Nthabiseng Molwantwa)
- NICRO - Okiep (Wellemien James)
- NICRO - Pretoria (Delia Nation)
- NIPILAR (Albina Kekana)
- Nyanga Human Rights Community Forum)
- (Mphumzi Nicholas MPE, Christopher Makasi Peace Education (Mvuyo Manyungwanie)
- Pinetown Child Welfare Society (Priscilla McKay)
- Port Elizabeth Childline (Ann Moresby-White, Lydia Duckitt)
- Pretoria Community Ministries (Lerato House - Girls at Risk)
- (Wilna de Beer)
- Professional Foster Care (Sabitha Samjee)
- Protea Child Care Centre (S. Viljoen)
- Provincial Parliamentary Programme (Janine Hicks)
- Quaker Peace Centre (Georgina Mbambo, Jeremy Routledoe)
- RAPCAN (Carol Bower)
- Restorative Justice Centre (Mike Batley, Janet Dodd)
- Restorative Justice Initiative (Keith Vermeulen)
- Safeline (H.J. Easton)
- Scottsville Methodist Church (Clive R. Sparks)
- Social Work Department, University of Fort Hare (Brian Stout)
- South African National Council for Child and Family Welfare (Lynette Schrewder)
- Street Children's Forum (Julia Zingu)
- L. Tshiwula (University of Port Elizabeth)
- Julia Sloth-Nielsen (University of the Western Cape - Law Faculty)
- Westville Youth Centre (Mbuso Slamini)
- WITS Law Clinic (Shirley Welsh)
- Youth Development Forum (Selina Poswayo)
- Cash Carbet Centre (Anthony Dary)
- CRED (David Hlowgwane, Gillian Winston)
- Dow Bosco Hostel (Gregory Berry)
- FAMSA East Rand (Lazarus Mashiloane)
- Greater Blue Downs Community Policing Forum
- Homeless Children's Project (Lucy Whitebrai)
- Hope Now (J.P. Clayton)
- Inkatha Freedom Party Youth Brigade (Somikazi Deyi)
- Isibonelo Career Advisory Society (Malcolm Sibonelo Hlongwane)
- Khayalethu Street Children Project (Thulani Nzimandes)
- Kids Haven (Moira Simpson)
- Kids Haven Thusong Centre
- Masizame Shelter for Street Children
- Nicro (Shariefa Darries, Chantel Williams)
- Othandweni (Leana Pienaar)
- Plattelandse Ontwikkelings Instituut (Trevor Samson)
- Rotary (Manfred Puler)
- Sinethembe Children's Home (Muhle Ngcobo)
- Siyakhana Youth Outreach and Education Programme (Buntu Dyosini, Hendrick Zwelakhe Matyila, Davkie Mbikwa)
- Siyakhula Treatment Centre (Thobile R. Hlengwa)
- South African Wilderness Therapy Institute (Gavin Robertson)
- The Homestead (Headman Sirala-rala)
- Themba Club (Trish Garlick, Lynton Brauteseth)
- Tygerberg Youth Development Council Youth for Chirst (Jonathan Garth Gelderbloen, Alma Lawler)
- Youth for Christ - JHB (Elenor Joyce Naickes)
" 2007 Version of Bill [B49 of 2002]
" The Bill [B49-2002]
in PDF format
" Fact Sheets on Bill
"Departmental Briefings
" Recosting Report
Search for specific documents on the website
An annotated bibliography collating documents used to inform the process of child justice reform in South Africa
For questions on the Child Justice Act or related topics email
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